Freedom, justice, perseverance, vigilance, peace, prosperity or patriotism – these are just a few attributes that a national flag of any country stands for.
A flag represents an idea, or an ideal. It is neither a mere piece of decoration, nor an object to be honoured for itself. It is honoured for what it represents. Many flags are held in high esteem for their history; for the sacrifices made by the people; for the qualities for which the country and people stand.
Flags help us to identify different countries around the world. A country's flag is made up of symbols, colours and sometimes phrases that represent its identity or character. If geography interests you and if you’d always be found with an atlas as a kid, you’d love to take this flags quiz.
A quiz on flags of the world and it’s significant characteristic is sure to surprise you with facts of the country that it belongs to. After all, a country doesn’t just choose it’s national flag without any meaning. You can also choose your next travel destination from the flags that intrigued you the most.
Look at the explanations that go along with each flag and see if you can pick the country that it belongs to. Have fun!

If you turned the Indonesian flag upside down which European country's flag would you get?

Since its original design in 1777, how many times has the Stars and Stripes been updated with extra stars in the USA flag as more states entered the union?

Guess the flag

The flag of three of these countries is a green, white and orange tricolour or triband. Which one is NOT?

Which country has the world’s only non-quadrilateral flag?

Which country holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest continuously used national flag?

Which country’s flag has a red circle in the centre of a white background?

What does Canada’s national flag feature?

Where is the world’s tallest flagpole situated?

An Australian flag consists of how many stars?

Which of these countries feature an eagle on their flag?

Which national flag contain the colours red, white and blue?

Name the country with a flag that consists of red, green, black and white colours

Which country has changed its flag the most number of times?

Which of these countries had a plain white flag for 15 years?
So how would you rate your geographical knowledge based on the above quiz? Do let us know in the comments.
From adventure quizzes to travel destination quiz, stay tuned on the best travel portal in India for blogs that guide you and quizzes that test your knowledge about the world.
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